
Lista LJ|RP|MP - part 1 - os novos clássicos do século XXI


Lista LJ|RP|MP - part 1

Multipistas - Rádio SBSR, 5ªs 19h00 - 20h00, repete aos sábados à mesma hora Tenho gravações em minidisc de várias sessões | programas [os novos clássicos do século XXI]

(o que quer dizer que pelo menos uma parte 2 existirá, quiçá outras mais...)
Se querem ouvir algo de novo e estimulante deixo aqui uma lista. Explorem e encontrarão muita coisa boa.
Deixem de ouvir o Samuel Úria, Benjamim, Franklyn, Fachadas, Faustos, etc. e as cenas dos anos 80 deixem para os momentos de nostalgia.
Aqui a base a
e o Post-Post-Punk ou NeoPost-Punk ou o que quiserem chamar. Na cena electrónica experimental wyrd e folklore 'otherly' pastoral hauntological... também há coisas boas mas isso fica para depois.
Nota: o nome a seguir aos grupos é de faixas, o que interessa depois é ouvir as bandas para o que devem usar o bandcamp, o youtube e isso.
É capaz de haver um nome ou outro repetido, mas não são muitos (1?, 2?... hummm).
A repetição de Post-Post-Punk # é porque eu sou um bocado minimal repetitivo, além de anarco populista ;-)Ainda comecei a apontar as bandas que já comprei mas assinalei poucas, entretanto já comprei mais uma data delas, sobretudo em CD.

Been Stellar - All In One - Post-Post-Punk #18
Shelf Lives - Uncle Fred - Post-Post-Punk #17
Knives - Headcase - Post-Post-Punk #16
Habibi - Do You Want Me Now - Post-Post-Punk #15
Foxlane - Coffee - Post-Post-Punk #14
Goat Girl - Ride Around - Post-Post-Punk #13
800 Gondomar - Sexta-À-Noite Com O Monstro - Post-Post-Punk #12 (pt)
Girl And Girl - Dance Now - Post-Post-Punk #11
The Klittens - Traffic Light - Post-Post-Punk #10
Stupid Son - Comedy - Post-Post-Punk #9
Lambrini Girls - God's Country - Post-Post-Punk #8
Library Card - Kierkegaard - Post-Post-Punk #7
Plastic Noir - Imaginary Walls - Post-Post-Punk #6
Blue Bendy - The Day I Said You'd Died (He Lives) - Post-Post-Punk #5
Ugly - The Wheel - Post-Post-Punk #4
Dry Cleaning - Unsmart Lady - Post-Post-Punk #3
Drab Majesty - Dot in the Sky - Post-Post-Punk #2
Whispering Sons - Walking, Flying - Post-Post-Punk #1
Uranium Club - Viewers Like You - Post-Post-Punk #25
Vaguess - Octa - Post-Post-Punk #26
Projector - Chemical - Post-Post-Punk #27 (2ª compra 10.09.2024 +/-)
Fraulein - Feels Like Flying (Day) - Post-Post-Punk #24
Play Dead - All In My Head - Post-Post-Punk #23
Otala - Commedia - Post-Post-Punk #22
Bad Bad Hats - TPA - Post-Post-Punk #21
Plantoid - Demons - Post-Post-Punk #19 (1ª compra - inícios de setembro de 20224 bandcamp)
esqueci-me do #20
English Teacher - Nearly Daffodils - Post-Post-Punk #28
M(h)aol - Pursuit - Post-Post-Punk #29
Church Chords - Recent Mineral - Post-Post-Punk #30
Intermission Party Program - Enjoy Your Life - Post-Post-Punk #31
Necry Talkie - Bloom - Post-Post-Punk #32 (não está no bandcamp | japonesa)
Pom Poko - Like A Lady - Post-Post-Punk #33
Sprints - Heavy - Post-Post-Punk #34
Voyeur - Clue - Post-Post-Punk #35
Lurve - L.I.F.E. - Post-Post-Punk #36 (a comprar)
Gut Health - Juvenile Retention - Post-Post-Punk #37
Body Politics - The Menstrual Cramps - Post-Post-Punk #38
Man/Woman/Chainsaw - Back/Burden - Post-Post-Punk #39
Bowl - Fresh New Life - Post-Post-Punk #40
Dutch Interior - Ecig - Post-Post-Punk #41
Breaking Fuel // Internet feat. Alain Damasio - Post-Post-Punk #42
Legss - Fester - Post-Post-Punk #43
Moby Dickless - 52 Blue - Post-Post-Punk #44
Unsafe Space Garden - Tremendous Comprehension (from Where's The Ground) - Post-Post-Punk #45 (português - guimarães)
Cassels - Pete's Vile Colleague - Post-Post-Punk #46
Pozi - Failing - Post-Post-Punk #47
Jockstarp - Acid - Post-Post-Punk #48
Delivering - Operating At A Loss - Post-Post-Punk #49
Lice - The Dance - Post-Post-Punk #50
Real Farmer - Consequence - Post-Post-Punk #51
Porridge Radio - Every Bad - Post-Post-Punk #52
Snapped Ankles - Some Come - Post-Post-Punk #53
Wet Leg - Chaise Longue - Post-Post-Punk #54
Pardoner - Are You Free Tonight? - Post-Post-Punk #55
Deadletter - Binge - Post-Post-Punk #56
Yard Act - Dark Days - Post-Post-Punk #57
Blood Cultures - Graveyard Vibes - Post-Post-Punk #58
Sweeping Promises - Hunger For A Way Out - Post-Post-Punk #59
Todd Briefly - Not All My Friends Play Fender Jaguars - Post-Post-Punk #60
Squid - O Monolith - Post-Post-Punk #61
Black Country, New Road - 'Track X' - Post-Post-Punk #62
Floatie - Water Recipe - Post-Post-Punk #63
Sprints - Manifesto EP (2021) - Post-Post-Punk #64
Subsonic Eye - Fruitcake - Post-Post-Punk #65
Special Friend - Bête - Post-Post-Punk #66
American Culture - Drug Dealer's House - Post-Post-Punk #67
Man On Man - 1983 - Post-Post-Punk #68
She Drew The Gun - Class War - Post-Post-Punk #69
Legsss - Local God - Post-Post-Punk #70
Gaadge - Twenty-Two - Post-Post-Punk #71
Arthhur - Ripped And Dumb - Post-Post-Punk #72
Toothpicks - She's Loaded - Post-Post-Punk #73
Ovlov - Land Of Steve-O - Post-Post-Punk #74
Dad Bod - Wasting Another Heart - Post-Post-Punk #75
Wombo - Fairy Rust - Post-Post-Punk #76
Cola - So Exceited - Post-Post-Punk #77
Modern Woman - Ford - Post-Post-Punk #78
Grocer - Calling Out - Post-Post-Punk #79
Say Sue Me - B Lover - Post-Post-Punk #80
The Beths - Silence Is Golden - Post-Post-Punk #81
THICK - Happiness - Post-Post-Punk #82
Leenalchi - Please Don't Go - Post-Post-Punk #83
The Coool Greenhouse - I Lost My Head - Post-Post-Punk #84
Laundromat - Gloss - Post-Post-Punk #85
Holiday Ghosts - Can't Bear To Be Boring - Post-Post-Punk #86
Cowboyy - Gmaps - Post-Post-Punk #87
Courting - Tennis - Post-Post-Punk #88
Moin - Yep Yep - Post-Post-Punk #89
Special Interest - Foul - Post-Post-Punk #90
Self Improvement - Firestarter - Post-Post-Punk #91
Gilla Band - Backwash - Post-Post-Punk #92
Fujiya & Miyagi - Slight Variations - Post-Post-Punk #93
Low Hummer - Panic Calls - Post-Post-Punk #94
Life - Big Moon Lake - Post-Post-Punk #95
Horsegirl - Beautiful Song - Post-Post-Punk #96
Gilla Band - I Was Away - Post-Post-Punk #97
Dr. Sure's Unusual Practice - Escalator Man - Post-Post-Punk #98
Worst Taste - 悪​夢​に​笑​え​! - Post-Post-Punk #99
Petrol Girls - Preachers - Post-Post-Punk #100
Oog Bogo - New State - Post-Post-Punk #101
7ebra - If I Ask Her - Post-Post-Punk #102
Thee Oh Sees - Fucking Kill Me - Post-Post-Punk #103
Ditz - Three - Post-Post-Punk #104
Oddly - Alligator - Post-Post-Punk #105
Confidence Man - Angry Girl - Post-Post-Punk #106
Hal e os Arqueiros - Palm Oil - Post-Post-Punk #107
Sorry - Let The Lights On - Post-Post-Punk #108
Automatic - Teen Beat - Post-Post-Punk #109
Fräulein - By The Water - Post-Post-Punk #110
Otoboke Beaver - I'm Not Maternal - Post-Post-Punk #111
Panic Shack - 'Jiu Jits You' - Post-Post-Punk #112
black midi - Welcome To Hell - Post-Post-Punk #113
Fake Turins - Down! - Post-Post-Punk #114
Home Counties - Back To The Seventies - Post-Post-Punk #115
Life - Big Moon Lake - Post-Post-Punk #116
The Early Mornings - First Words - Post-Post-Punk #117
The Bug Club - Six O'Clock News - Post-Post-Punk #118
Cheekface - Featured Singer - Post-Post-Punk #119
Silverbacks - Archive Material - Post-Post-Punk #120
Treeboy & Arc - The Condor - Post-Post-Punk #121
Grandmas House - How Does It Feel? - Post-Post-Punk #122
KEG - Elephant - Post-Post-Punk #123
Grocer - Open Wide - Post-Post-Punk #124
Kram - Manga liv, men bara ett liv - Post-Post-Punk #125
Grandmas House - Body - Post-Post-Punk #126
Chemtrails - Eternal Shame - Post-Post-Punk #127
Thank - Dread - Post-Post-Punk #128
Blacklisters - Why Deny It? - Post-Post-Punk #129
Black Mekon - Lo-Rent Sex - Post-Post-Punk #130
Jobber - No Holds Barred - Post-Post-Punk #131

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