
Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Lista de 'Obras-Primas Avulso'

 "Lista de 'Obras-Primas Avulso'"

#157 - "Obras-primas avulso"

OBRAS-PRIMAS AVULSO (apenas um título por cada artista, embora alguns deles, claro, tenham gravado mais do que uma…) segundo uma escolha completamente subjetiva, determinada pela disposição do momento, baseada nos meus gostos pessoais e destinada a provocar alguma polémica e, sobretudo, a intrigar: …ou O REGRESSO DAS LISTAS

AKSAK MABOUL: Un peu de l’Âme des Bandits (1979)

AMON DÜÜL II: Yeti (1970) 

AMON TOBIN: Supermodified (2000) 

ANTHONY MOORE: Flying doesn't Help (1979) 

ART BEARS: Hopes and Fears (1978) 

ART ZOYD: Berlin (1987) 

BEACH BOYS (THE): Pet Sounds (1967) 

BEATLES (THE): Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) 

BRIAN ENO: Before and After Science (1977) 

BYRDS (THE): Younger than Yesterday (1967) 

CAN: Future Days (1973) 

CAPTAIN BEEFHEART & HIS MAGIC BAND: Trout Mask Replica (1969) 

CARAVAN: In the Land of Grey and Pink (1971)

CARLA BLEY – Musique Mecanique (1979)

CHARLES W. VRTACEK – When Heaven comes to Town (1988)

CLUSTER: Zuckerzeit (1974) 

DAVID BOWIE: The Man who Sold the World (1970) 

EGG: The Polite Force (1970)

FATIMA MIRANDA – Concierto en Canto (1994)

FAUST- Faust (1971) 

FRANK ZAPPA: We're only in it for the Money (1967) 

FRED FRITH: Gravity (1980) 

GENESIS: The Lamb Lies down on Broadway (1974) 

GENTLE GIANT: Acquiring the Taste (1971) 

GONG: Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 2: Angel's Egg (1973) 

GRYPHON – Midnight Mushrumps (1974)

HANS-JOACHIM ROEDELIUS – Sinfonia Contempora nº1

HARMONIA: DeLuxe (1975) 

HATFIELD AND THE NORTH: Hatfield and the North (1973) 

HELDON: Un Rêve sans Conséquence Spéciale (1976) 

HENRY COW: The Henry Cow Leg End (1973) 

HOLGER CZUKAY: Movies (1979) 

HOLLIES (THE): Evolution (1967)

HUGH HOPPER: 1984 (1972) 

INCREDIBLE STRING BAND (THE): The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter (1968)

ISTVAN MARTHA: Támad Aszél (1987)

JIMI HENDRIX: Electric Ladyland (1969) 

JOHN MAYALL: Blues from Laurel Canyon (1968) 

JOHN ZORN: The Big Gundown (1986)

JON HASSELL: City: Works of Fiction (1990) 

KEVIN AYERS: Shooting at the Moon (1971) 

KING CRIMSON: Lizard (1970) 

KINKS (THE): Something else (1967) 

KRAFTWERK: Autobahn (1974) 

KREIDLER: Appearance and the Park (1998) 

LOU REED: Berlin (1973) 

LOVE- Forever Changes (1967) 

MAGMA: Magma (1970) 

MAGNA CARTA: Seasons (1970) 

MARY COUGHLAN: Uncertain Pleasures (1990) 

MATCHING MOLE: Little Red Record (1972) 

MATHILDE SANTING: Water under the Bridge (1985) 

MEIRA ASHER: Spears into Hooks (1999)

MILLENNIUM (THE): Begin (1968)


MONOCHROME SET (THE): Eligible Bachelors (1982) 

MOTOR TOTEMIST GUILD: City of Mirrors (1999) 

MOUSE ON MARS: Iaora Tahiti (1995) 

MOVING GELATINE PLATES: The World of Genius Hans (1971)

MR. BUNGLE: California (1999)

NEGATIVLAND: Escape from Noise (1987) 

NEU!: Neu! (1972) 

NICK MASON: Fictitious Sports (1981) 

NICO: The Marble Index (1969) 

O YUKI CONJUGATE: Into Dark Water (1986)

PAOLO CONTE: 900 (1992)

PENGUIN CAFE ORCHESTRA: Music from the Penguin Café (1976)

PERE UBU: The Modern Dance (1978) 

PETER HAMMILL: In Camera (1974) 

PINK FLOYD: Atom Heart Mother (1970) 

POLLY JEAN HARVEY: Is this Desire? (1998) 

RESIDENTS (THE): Not Available (1978) 

RICHARD AND LINDA THOMPSON: I Want to See the Bright Lights 



ROBERT WYATT: Rock Bottom (1974) 

ROXY MUSIC: For your Pleasure (1973) 

SLAPP HAPPY/HENRY COW: Desperate Straights (1975) 

SOFT MACHINE (THE): Third (1970) 

STACKRIDGE: The Man in the Bowler Hat (1974)


STEVE ROACH – The Magnificent Void (1996) 

STOOGES (THE): Fun House (1970)

SUICIDE: Suicide (1977) 

SUZANNE VEGA: Days of Open Hand (1990) 

TALKING HEADS: Fear of Music (1979) 

TANGERINE DREAM: Phaedra (1974) 


TERRY RILEY: A Rainbow in Curved Air (1971)

TIM BUCKLEY: Goodbye and Hello (1967)

TOM WAITS: Small Change (1976) 

TONE REC: Pholcus (1998) 


TORTOISE- Millions now Living will never Die (1996) 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (THE): The United States of America (1968)

UNIVERS ZERO: Ceux du Dehors (1980) 

5 UU'S: Hunger's Teeth (1994) 


VELVET UNDERGROUND (THE): The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967) 

WHITE NOISE: An Electric Storm (1969) 

Z N R: Barricade 3 (1977) 

ZOMBIES (THE): Odessey & Oracle (1968)


Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Lista de Krautrock

"Lista de Krautrock"

Como estou sem nada para fazer e tenho saudades das listas, aqui vai uma, com as bandas de krautrock dos anos 70 que conheço melhor, acompanhadas de 1-5 asteriscos, consoante a importâncias das mesmas:

ACHIM REICHEL**** - free rock jazz minimalista extremamente original. Por vezes lembram (ou lembra, AR era o guitarrista) uns Can mais aritméticos…

AGITATION FREE**** - freaks, eletrónica, jam sessions cósmicas, influências árabes

AMON DUUL 2***** - acid jams psicadélicas com todo o peso kraut. Baladas schizo. Eletrónica pedrada e guitarras idem, idem

ANNEXUS QUAM*** - eletrónica janada, colagens absurdas. No 2º álbum: Jazz a la Soft Machine dos álbuns “4” e “5”.

ASH RA TEMPEL**** - Não aprecio por aí além mas foram pioneiros do free rock LSD (gravaram com o papa Timothy Leary). Desbundas infinitas. Klaus Schulze a impor alguma ordem nos synths. Já sozinho, como ASHRA, Manuel Gottsching optou por uma linha Schulziana, mas mais “light” e minimalista.

BETWEEN*** - De Peter Michael Hamel que viria a entrar nas fileiras da música contemporânea, fação mística de Terry Riley. Orientalizante e cósmico.

BRAINSTORM*** - jazz rock inspirado nos Soft Machine e em Frank Zappa.

BRAINTICKET**** - uma das bandas mais alucinadas de todo o krautrock. LSD musical em estado puro. “Cottonwoodhill” é uma ilustração sonora de uma “trip”. Uns Can raivosos.

BROSELMASCHINE** - folkrock planante c/ influências inglesas mas um som tipicamente kraut. Parentes “soft” dos Withuser & Westrupp.

CLUSTER***** - Tão importantes como os Kraftwerk no desenvolvimento da nova eletrónica. Descobriram que os synths podiam ser divertidos. Moebius o conceptualista e maquinal + Roedelius o romântico. Prazer + experimentalismo.

CONRAD SCHNITZLER***** - Um dos percursores da música industrial. Obra extensíssima abrangendo variadíssimos estilos de eletrónica.

CORNUCOPIA**** - Progressivos de grande qualidade, comparáveis aos SECONDHAND ou EGG ingleses. Jazz, eletrónica, rock, humor, com toques da chamada “estética Recommended”.

THE COSMIC JOKERS*** - Supergrupo inventado pelo patrão da Ohr. Discos-montagens feitos a partir de jam sessions de LSD no estúdio. Com elementos dos Ash Ra Tempel, Klaus Schulze, Wallenstein, Withuser & Westrupp…

DOM*** - eletrónica free/planante. Trips estranhas as destes DOM…

DZYAN*** - Jazzrock eletrónico c/influências étnicas.

EDGAR FROESE*** - guitarristas e manipul. de eletrónica dos Tangerine Dream. Dois a´lbuns iniciais pouco diferentes dos TD de “Phaedra” e “Rubycon”. Depois, à semelhança do grupo, foi ficando cada vez mais new age…

Continua nos próximos dias


EMBRYO**** - Jazz e elementos étnicos. Free rock. Improvisações. Arrumar ao lado dos Agitation Free, embora sejam menos “cósmicos”.

EMTIDI*** - Mais folk planante na linha dos Broselmaschine. Elementos “floydianos” e românticos.

FAUST***** - O grande delírio germânico. Colagens alucinadas, free rock, poesia fonética, romantismo, música concreta, paisagens alienígenas. Rutura absoluta com o tempo e os gostos da época. Ressuscitaram para se tornar “industriais”…

FRUMPY* - Hard rock sinfónico, cheio de solos de órgão e guitarra. Com alguma piada…

GILA*** - Inspirados pelos Pink Floyd psicadélicos. Guitarras em eletrónica e viagens não muito afastadas do rock.

GILLE LETTMANN** - a “musa das estrelas” da pandilha da Ohr. Cosmic Jokers + declamação de poemas elegíacos a Timothy Leary…

GROBSCHNITT** - triipy rock com toques Genesianos. Mais interessantes são alguns trabalhos a solo de Joachim H. Ehrig (Eroc).

GURU GURU**** - free rock puro e duro. Serração de guitarras elétricas Hendrixianas. Eletrónica parasitária. Anarquia. Energia.

HANS-JOACHIM ROEDELIUS*** - 1/2 dos Cluster. Romântico, pianístico, Satieano, new age. Mas também, noutras ocasiões, experimental e eletrónicoconceptualista.

HARMONIA***** - Cluster + Neu. Motorika em estado de graça. Eletroplanâncias, ambientalismo palaciano (?), Planetas de som inexplorados. Protopunk cósmico. Vrrrrrummmmmm….

HOLDERLIN*** - Como os Emtidi, mas mais estruturados. Toques de folk excêntrica. Instrumentação clássica misturada com eletrónica. Bizarros.

HOLGER CZUKAY***** - Pai das colagens. Dub, eletrónica, rock, transe, emissões rádio fantasma. Pôs o papa a cantar. Sem samplers…

IRMIN SCHMIDT*** - Teclista dos Can. Música de filmes. Soa bastante melhor quando soa aos Can…

KLAUS SCHULZE***** - Uma longa drone cósmica prolongada por 457 álbuns…

KLUSTER*** - Os Cluster, com “K” e Conrad Schnitzler. Ruídos de fábrica que os Cluster viriam a depurar em obras-primas protoindustriais.

KRAFTWERK***** - Fundaram os alicerces da música de dança electro. Sem eles o presente futurista nunca teria existido. “Autobahn” é um dos 10 melhores álbuns eletrónicos de sempre.

LA DUSSELDORF*** - Uma parte dos Neu! Motorika e romantismo alpino. New wave eletrizante.

MICHAEL ROTHER**** - Dos Neu! e Harmonia. Inventor do “easy listening krautrock”. Melodias eternas remodeladas até ao infinito. Eletrónica e guitarras de cristal.

MOEBIUS (DIETER)***** - O homem das máquinas. Música matemática, inovadora, rituais fabris. A electro atual alemã deve-lhe (quase) tudo.

MYTHOS** - Eletrónica mística “apadrinhada” por Von Braun.

NEU!***** - Os punks da era espacial. Motorika. Johnny Rotten cita-os como responsáveis por tudo o que os Sex Pistols fizeram. Também têm um lado de romantismo planante ambiental.


2000 . Lista de Krautrock by luisje on Scribd


Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Os melhores álbuns que ouvi dos ANOS 70

  "Álbuns Da Década de 90"

AIRTO MOREIRA - The other Side of this (Rykodisc, 1992) 

ALBERT MARCOEUR - Sports & Percussions (Concord, 1994) 

AMON TOBIN - Supermodified (Ninja Tune, 2000) 

ANDREI SAMSONOV - Void in (Mute, 1997) 

ANI DI FRANCO - Little Plastic Castle (Cooking Vinyl, 1998) 

ANI DI FRANCO - Up Up Up Up Up Up (Cooking Vinyl, 1999) 

ANI DI FRANCO - To the Teeth (Cooking Vinyl, 1999) 

ANTHONY MANNING - Chromium Nebulae (Irdial, 1995) 

ART ZOYD - Marathonnerre (Atonal, 1992) 

ART ZOYD - Marathonnerre II (Atonal, 1992) – Out.93 – 60.18 Cor. 

ASMUS TIETCHENS - Seuchengebiete 2 (Syrenia, 1992) 

BERLIONE (IL) - Il Berlione (Belle Antique, 1992) 

BERND FRIEDMANN - Leisure Zones (Ash International, 1996) 

B. FLEISCHMANN - Pop Loops for Breakfast (Charhizma, 1999) 

BIOSPHERE - Cirque (Touch, 2000) 

BIOSPHERE & DEATHPROD - Nordheim Transformed (Rune Grammofon, 1998) 

BIOTA - Object Holder (Recommended, 1995) 

BIRDSONGS OF THE MESOZOIC - Pyroclastics (Cuneiform, 1992) 

BLECTUM FROM BLECHDOM - The Messy Jesse Fiesta (Deluxe, 2000) 

BLUTSIPHON - Tammus (Gefriem, 1999) 

BOB DRAKE - Medallion Animal Carpet (Recommended, 1999) 

BRIAN ENO - The Shutov Assembly (Opal, 1992) 

BRUCE GILBERT - Insiding (Mute, 1991) 

BRUCE GILBERT - Music for Fruit (Mute, 1991) 

BRUIRE - L' Âme de l' Object (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1995) 

CHRIS CUTLER & LUTZ GLANDIEN - Domestic Stories (Recommended, 1992) 

CHRIS MELOCHE - Wireless (Fax, 1995) 

CHRISTIAN ZANÉSI - Stop! L’Horizon . Profil-Désir . Courir (INA.GRM, 1990) 

CHRISTOPH HEEMAN - Invisible Barrier (Extreme, 1993) 

CLUSTER - Apropos Cluster (Curious Music, 1990) 

CONRAD SCHNITZLER & JÖRG THOMASIUS - Tolling Toggle (Fünf und Vierzig, 1991) 

CRO MAGNON - Bull? (Lowlands, 1997) 

CURD DUCA - Elevator 3 (Mille Plateaux, 2000) 

DAKOTA OAK - Am Deister (Twisted Nerve, 2000) 

DANIEL DENIS - Sirius and the Ghosts (Musea, 1991) 

DANIEL SCHELL & KARO - The Secret of Bwlch (Made to Measure, 1990) 

DANIEL SCHELL & KARO - Gira Girasole, Tourne Tournesol (Materiali Sonori, 1994) 

DANIEL TERUGGI - Syrcus/Sphaera (INA.GRM, 1993) 

ANIEL TERUGGI - Variations Morphologiques (Agon, 1997) 

DAT POLITICS - Villiger (a-Musik, 2000) 

DAVID BEHRMAN - Leapday Night (Lovely Music, 1991) 

DAVID BYRNE - Uh-Oh (Luaka Bop, 1992) 

DAVID BYRNE - David Byrne (Luaka Bop, 1994) 

DAVID THOMAS - Erewhon (Cooking Vinyl, 1996) 

DAVID THOMAS - Bay City (Hearpen, 2000) 

DIANE LABROSSE - Face Cachée des Choses (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1995) 

DIANE LABROSSE & MICHEL F. CÔTÉ - Duo Déconstructiviste (Amb. Magnétiques, 1994) 

DIDIER MALHERBE - Zeff (Tangram, 1992) 

DOCTOR NERVE - Skin (Cuneiform, 1995) 

DYLAN GROUP (THE) - More Adventures in Lying down... (Bubble Core, 1999) 

DYLAN GROUP (THE) - Ur-Klang Search (Bubble Core, 2000) 

EARDRUM - Last Light (The Leaf, 1999) 

EDWARD KA-SPEL - The Scriptures of Illumina (Terminal Kaleidoscope, 1994) 

EDWARD KA-SPEL - Khataclimici China Doll (Streamline, 1995) 

EDWARD KA-SPEL - The Blue Room (Soleilmoon, 1998) 

EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN - Silence is Sexy 2xCD (Zomba, 2000) 

ELLIOTT SHARP - Tectonics (Atonal, 1995) 

EXPLODING THUMBS - Flying without Wings (Holistic, 1998) 

EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO RESEARCH - Millenium Music, a Meta-Musical Portrait (At., 1997) 

FÁTIMA MIRANDA - Concierto en Canto (Hyades Arts, 1994) 

FÁTIMA MIRANDA - ArteSonado (Led, 2000) 

FAULTLINE - Closer Colder (The Leaf, 1999) 

FAUST - Rien (Table of Elements, 1995) 

FAUST - You Know FaUSt (Recommended, 1996) 

FAUST - Ravvivando (Klangbad, 1999) 

FENNESZ - Plus Fourty Seven Degrees 56’ 37’’ Minus Sixteen Degrees 51’ 08’’ (Touch, 1999) 

FENNESZ, O’ROURKE, REHBERG - The Magic Sound of Fenn o’Berg (Mego, 1999) 

FETISCH PARK - Trost (Extreme, 1996) 

FETISCH PARK - Alluvial (Extreme, 1997) 

FRIDGE - Ceefax (Output, 1997) 

FRIDGE - Eph (Go Beat, 1999) 

FÜXA- 3 Field Rotation (Ché, 1996) 

FÜXA - Accretion (Mind Expansion, 1998) 

F. X. RANDOMIZ - Goflex (a-Musik, 1997) 

GAS - Pop (Mille Plateaux, 2000) 

GASTR DEL SOL - Upgrade & Afterlife (Drag City, 1996) 

GASTR DEL SOL - Camoufleur (Domino, 1998) 

GENERAL MAGIC - Rechenkönig (Mego, 2000) 


GONG - Shapeshifter (Celluloïd, 1992) 

GRANULES (LES) - Au Royaume du Silencieux (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1992) 

GUSTAVO LAMAS - Celeste (Traum, 1999) 

HANS - JOACHIM ROEDELIUS - Der Ohren Spiegel (Multimood, 1991) 

HANS - JOACHIM ROEDELIUS - Theater Works (Multimood, 1994) 

HANS - JOACHIM ROEDELIUS - Sinfonia Contempora No.1 (Prudence, 1994) 

HARALD WEISS - Die Anders Paradies (Gingko, 1995) 

HAROLD BUDD - She is a Phantom (New Albion, 1994) 

HAROLD BUDD - Luxa (All Saints, 1996) 

HOAHIO - Ohayo! Hoahio! (Tzadik, 2000) 

HOLGER CZUKAY- Moving Pictures (Mute, 1993) 

HOLGER HILLER - As is (Mute, 1991) 

HOLGER HILLER - Holger Hiller (Mute, 2000) 

HOLOSUD - Fijnewas Afpompen (a-musik, 1998) 

INGRAM MARSHALL - Three Penitential Visions/Hidden Voices (Elektra Nonesuch, 1990) 

ISAN - Beautronics (Tugboat, 1998) 

ISOTOPE 217 - The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey, 1997) 

ISOTOPE 217 - Utonian Automatic (Thrill Jockey, 1999) 

JAH WOBBLE - Requiem (30 Hertz, 1997) 

JEAN DEROME - Carnets de Voyage (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1994) 

JEAN DEROME - Navré (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1995) 

JEFF GREINKE - Changing Skies (Multimood, 1990) 

JESSAMINE - Another Fictionalized History (Histrionic, 1997) 

JIM O' ROURKE - Bad Timing (Drag City, 1997) 

JOCELYN ROBERT - La Théorie des Nerfs Creux (Ohm/Avatar, 1993) 

JOHN GREAVES - Little Bottle of Laundry (Blueprint, 1991) 

JOHN GREAVES - Songs (Resurgence, 1994) 

JON HASSELL - City: Works of Fiction (Land, 1990) 

JON HASSELL - Fascinoma (Water Lily Acoustics, 1999) 

JONI MITCHELL - Turbulent Indigo (Reprise, 1994) 

JONI MITCHELL - Taming the Tiger (Reprise, 1998) 

JONI MITCHELL - Both Sides now (Reprise, 2001) 

JORGE REYES - Niérika (Esplendor Geometrico, 1990) 

JORGE REYES - Bajo el Sol Jaguar (No-CD, 1992) 

JORGE REYES - El Costumbre (Lejos del Paraiso, 1993) 

JORGE REYES & SUSO SAIZ - Cronica de Castas (No-CD, 1991) 

JULIAN COPE - Peggy Suicide (Island, 1991) 

JULIAN COPE - Jehovahkill (Island, 1992) 

JULIAN COPE - Autoggedon (Echo, 1994) 

JULIAN COPE - 20 Mothers (Echo, 1995) 

JULIAN COPE - Interpreter (Echo, 1996) 

JUSTINE - Langages Fantastiques (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1994) 

KING CRIMSON - Thrak (Virgin, 1995) 

KLANKRIEG - Radionik (Cling Film, 1999) 

KONRAD KRAFT - Alien Atmospheres (Elektro-Smog, 1996) 

KREIDLER - Weekend (Kiff, 1996) 

KREIDLER - Appearance and the Park (Kiff, 1998) 

KRISTIN HERSH - Hips & Makers (4AD, 1994) 

KRISTIN HERSH - Strange Angels (4AD, 1998) 

KRISTIN HERSH - Sky Motel (4AD, 1999) 

LA 1919 - Jouer. Spielen. To Play (Materiali Sonori, 1992) 

LA 1919 - Giorni Felici (Materiali Sonori, 1997) 

LA DÜSSELDORF - Fettleber (Captain Trip, 1999) 

LABRADFORD - E Luxo so (Blast First, 1999) 

LABRADFORD - Fixed::Context (Blast First, 2000) 

L@N - L@N (a-Musik, 1996) 

LA! NEU? - Düsseldorf (Captain Trip, 1996) 

LA! NEU? - Year of the Tiger (Captain Trip, 1998) 

LARS HOLLMER - Live 1992 – 1993 (Victo, 1993) 

LARS HOLLMER - Vandelmassa (Ayaa, 1994) 

LÄSZLÖ HORTÓBAGYI - Traditional Music of Amygdala (Erdenklang, 1991) 

LAURIE ANDERSON - Bright Red (Warner Bros., 1994) 

LEGENDARY PINK DOTS (THE) - 9 Lives to Wonder (Play it Again Sam, 1994) 

LEGENDARY PINK DOTS (THE) - Hallway of the Gods (Soleilmoon, 1997) 

LIGHTWAVE - Tycho Brahe (Hearts of Space, 1994) 

LIGHTWAVE - Mundus Subterraneus (Fathom, 1995) 

LINDSAY COOPER - Music for other Occasions (No Man’s Land, 1991) 

LISA GERMANO - Happiness (4AD, 1994) 

LISA GERMANO - Geek the Girl (4AD, 1994) 

LISA GERMANO - Excerpts from a Love Circus (4AD, 1996) 

LISA GERMANO - Slide (4AD, 1998) 

LIZ PHAIR - Exile in Guyville (Matador, 1993) 

LIZ PHAIR - Whip-Smart (Matador, 1994) 

LUIS PANIAGUA - Muy Fragil (Hyades Arts, 1993) 

MARIANNE FAITHFULL - A Secret Life (Island, 1995) 

MARY COUGHLAN - Uncertain Pleasures (East West, 1990) 

MATHIAS GRASSHOW - In Search of Sanity (No-CD, 1993) 

MATILDE SANTING - Texas Girl & Pretty Boy (Columbia, 1993) 

MEIRA ASHER - Dissected (Crammed, 1997) 

MEIRA ASHER - Spears into Hooks (Crammed, 1999) 

MICHAEL McNABB - Dreamsong (Wergo, 1993) 

MICHAEL ROTHER - Esperanza (Random, 1996) 

MICHAEL STEARNS - Sacred Site (Hearts of Space, 1993) 

MICHAEL WINNERHOLT - Tjugofyra (Multimood, 1995) 

MICHEL REDOLFI - Appel d'Air (INA.GRM, 1993) 

MICHEL ZBAR - Novum Organum (INA.GRM, 1994) 

MIKE OLDFIELD - Amarok (Virgin, 1990) 

MIRIODOR - 3e Avertissement (Cuneiform, 1991) 

MO BOMA - Jijimuge (Extreme, 1992) 

MOEBIUS, NEUMEIER, ENGLER - Other Places (Hypnotic, 1996) 

MOEBIUS & RENZIEHAUSEN - Ersatz (Pinpoint, 1990) 


MOONDOG - Elpmas (Kopf, 1991) 

MOTHER GONG - She Made the World Magenta (Voiceprint, 1993) 

MOTOR TOTEMIST GUILD - City of Mirrors (Cuneiform, 1999) 

MOUSE ON MARS - Iaora Tahiti (Too Pure, 1995) 

MR. BUNGLE - California (Warner Bros., 1999) 

NEGATIVLAND - Free (Seeland, 1993) 

NEGATIVLAND - Desipsip (Seeland, 1997) 

OLIVIA TREMOR CONTROL - Black Foliage, Animation Music. Volume One (Flyd., 1999) 

ORCHESTER 33 1/3 - Orchester 33 1/3 (Plag Dich Nicht, 1997) 

ORCHESTER 33 1/3 - Maschine Brennt (Charhizma, 1999) 

O YUKI CONJUGATE - Peyote (Multimood, 1990) 

O YUKI CONJUGATE - Equator (Staalplaat, 1994) 

PAN SONIC - A (Blast First, 1999) 

PAN SONIC - Aaltopiiri (Blast First, 2000) 

PAOLO CONTE - 900 (CGD, 1992) 

PAOLO CONTE - Una Faccia in Prestito (East West, 1995) 

PASCAL COMELADE - Raggazin' the Blues (Les Disques du Soleil et de l’Acier, 1991) 

PASCAL COMELADE - El Cabaret Galactico (Les Disques du Soleil e t de l’Acier, 1995) 

PATRICIA DALLIO - D' où Vient l' Eau des Puits? (Musea, 1996) 

PAUL DE MARINIS - Music as a Second Language (Lovely Music, 1991) 

PAUL SCHÜTZE - Regard: Music by Films (Multimood, 1991) 

PAUL SCHÜTZE - Apart 2xCD (Virgin, 1995) 

PERE UBU - Ray Gun Suitcase (Cooking Vinyl, 1995) 

PERE UBU - Pennsylvania (Cooking Vinyl, 1998) 

PETE NAMLOOK - Syn 2xCD (Fax, 1994) 

PETE NAMLOOK & LUDWIG REHBERG - The Putney II (Fax, 1994) 

PETER CUSACK & NICOLAS COLLINS - A Host, of Golden Daffodils (Plate Lunch, 1999) 

PETER HAMMILL - Fireships (Fie!, 1992) 

PETER HAMMILL - Roaring Forties (Fie!, 1994) 

PETER HAMMILL - Xmy Heart (Fie!, 1996) 

PETER HAMMILL - Everyone you Hold (Fie!, 1997) 

PETER HAMMILL - This (Fie!, 1998) 

PETER HAMMILL - None of the Above (Fie!, 2000) 

PETER SCHERER & ARTO LINDSAY - Pretty Ugly (Made to Measure, 1990) 

PIERRE BASTIEN - Musiques Paralloïdres (Lowlands, 1999) 

PLURAMON - Render Bandits (Mille Plateaux, 1998) 

POLLY JEAN HARVEY - To Bring you my Love (Island, 1995) 

POLLY JEAN HARVEY - Is this Desire? (Island, 1998) 

POLLY JEAN HARVEY - Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea (Island, 2000) 

PRESENT - Certitudes (Cuneiform, 1998) 

PRESENT - Nº6 (Carbon 7, 1999) 

PROPELLER ISLAND - The Garden (Artgallery, 1995) 

QNTAL - Qntal II (Gymnastic/Chrom, 1995) 

RAMUNTCHO MATTA - Domino One (Made to Measure, 1991) 

RANDY GREIF - Verdi’s Requiem (Soleilmoon, 1997) 

RAPOON - Raising Earthly Spirits (Staalplaat, 1993) 

RECHENZENTRUM - Rechenzentrum (Kitty-Yo, 2000) 

RED KRAYOLA (THE) - Fingerpainting (Drag City, 1999) 

RENÉ LUSSIER - Le Corps de l’Ouvrage (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1994) 

REZNICEK - Stube (Odd Size, 1996) 

RICHARD THOMPSON - Me? You? Us? 2xCD (Capitol, 1996) 

RICHARD THOMPSON - Mock Tudor (Capitol, 1999) 

RICHARD THOMPSON & DANNY THOMPSON - Industry (Rykodisc, 1997) 

RICKIE LEE JONES - Pop Pop (Geffen, 1991) 

RICKIE LEE JONES - Ghostyhead (Reprise, 1997) 

ROB ANGUS - Ethnoloopography (Multimood, 1994) 

ROBERT FRIPP - The Bridge Between (Discipline, 1993) 

ROBERT - MARCEL LEPAGE - Adieu Leonardo! (Ambiances Magnétiques, 1992) 

ROBERTO LANERI - Memories of the Rain Forest (Amiata, 1994) 

ROBERTO MUSCI - Umi-The Sea (Lowlands, 1993-1997) (c/Claudio Gabianni) 

ROBERTO MUSCI & GIOVANNI VENOSTA- A Noise, a Sound (Recommended, 1992) 

BERTO MUSCI & GIOVANNI VENOSTA - Losing the Orthodox Path (Victo, 1997) 

ROBERT RICH - Geometry (Fathom, 1991) 

ROBERT RICH & BRIAN LUSTMORD - Stalker (Fathom, 1995) 

ROBERT RICH & STEVE ROACH - Soma (Hearts of Space, 1992) 

ROBERT WYATT - Dondestan (Rough Trade, 1991) 

ROBERT WYATT - Shleep (Hannibal, 1997) 

ROGER ENO & KATE ST. JOHN - The Familiar (All Saints, 1992) 

ROME - Rome (Thrill Jockey, 1996) 

SACK & BLUMM - Sack & Blumm (Tom, 1999) 

SALARYMAN - Karoshi (City Slang, 1999) 

SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA - Kaka (Cazul, 1999) 

SAM PHILLIPS - Martinis & Bikinis (Virgin, 1994) 

SAM PHILLIPS - Omnipop (It's only a Flesh Wound Lambchop) (Virgin, 1996) 

SATOR ROTAS - Sator Rotas (a-musik, 1999) 

SCHLAMMPEITZIGER - Spacerokkmountainrutschquartier (a-Musik, 1997) 

SCHLAMMPEITZIGER - Augenwischwaldmoppgeflöte (a-Musik, 2000) 

SHABOTINSKI - (B)ypass (K)ill (Charhizma, 1999) 

SHANNON WRIGHT - Flightsafety (Quarterstick, 1999) 

SOCIAL INTERIORS - The World behind you (Extreme, 1994) 

SOUL CENTER - Soul Center (W.v.B. Enterprises, 2000) 

SPACE EXPLOSION - Space Explosion (Purple Pyramid, 1998) 

SPRING HEEL JACK - Oddities (Thirsty Ear, 2000) 

SPRING HEEL JACK - Disappeared (Thirsty Ear, 2000) 

STARS OF THE LID - Gravitational Pull vs. the Desire for an Aquatic Life (Kranky, 1997) 

STEN SANDELL - Bio Elektrika (LJ, 2000) 

STEPHAN MICUS - To the Evening Child (ECM, 1992) 

STEPHAN MICUS - The Garden of Mirrors (ECM, 1997) 

STEPHEN KENT - Landing (City of Tribes, 1994) 

STEREOLAB - Emperor Tomato Ketchup (Elektra, 1996) 

STEVEN BROWN - Joeboy in Mexico (Opción Sónica, 1997) 

STEVE ROACH - World's Edge 2xCD (Fortuna, 1992) 

STEVE ROACH - The Magnificent Void (Fathom, 1996) 

STEVE SHEHAN - Arrows (Made to Measure, 1990) 

STEVE SHEHAN - Safar (Al Sur, 1997) 


SUPERSILENT - Supersilent 4 (Rune Grammofon, 1998) 

SUSPENDED MEMORIES - Forgotten Gods (Hearts of Space, 1994) 

SUSPENDED MEMORIES - Earth Island (Hearts of Space, 1994) 

SUZANNE VEGA - Days of Open Hand (A&M, 1990) 

SUZANNE VEGA - 99,9ºF (A&M, 1992) 

SUZANNE VEGA - Nine Objects of Desire (A&M, 1996) 

TELE:FUNKEN - A Collection of Ice-Cream Vans Vol.2 (Domino, 2000) 

THIERRY ZABOÏTZEFF - Heartbeat (Atonal, 1997) 

THINKING PLAGUE - In Extremis (Cuneiform, 1998) 

THOMAS BRINKMANN - Rosa (Max Ernst, 2000) 

THOMAS KÖNER - Nunatak Gongamur (Barooni, 1990)

TIBOR SZEMZÖ - Relative Things (Leo, 1998) 

TIED + TICKLED TRIO - EA1 EA2 (Payola, 1999) 

TOM WAITS - Bone Machine (Island, 1992) 

TOM WAITS - The Black Rider (Island, 1993) 

TOM WAITS - Mule Variations (Anti, Inc., 1999) 

TONE REC - Pholcus (Sub Rosa, 1998) 

TO ROCOCO ROT - CD (Kitty-Yo, 1996) 

TO ROCOCO ROT - Veiculo (City Slang, 1997) 

TO ROCOCO ROT - The Amateur View (City Slang, 1999) 

TORTOISE - A Digest Compendium of the Tortoise’s World (Thrill Jockey, 1994/95)

TORTOISE - Millions now Living will Never Die (City Slang, 1996) 

TRANS AM - Surrender to the Night (City Slang, 1997)

TRANS AM - Red Line (Thrill Jockey, 2000) 

TUU - One Thousand Years (SDV, 1992) 

UAKTI - Mapa (Point Music, 1992) 

UI - Lifelike (Southern, 1998) 

UI - The Iron Apple (Southern, 1999) 

UN DRAME MUSICAL INSTANTANÉE - Jeune Fille qui Tombe...Tombe (In Situ, 1991) 

UNIVERS ZERO - The Hard Quest (Cuneiform, 1999) 

URBAN SAX - Spiral (EPM, 1991) 

USER (THE) - Symphony #1 for Dot Matrix Printers (Staalplaat, 1999) 

U TOTEM - Strange Attractors (Cuneiform, 1994) 

5 UU'S - Hunger's Teeth (RéR, 1994) 

5 UU'S - Crisis in Clay (RéR, 1997) 

VAINIO, VÃISÃNEN, VEGA - Endless (Blast First, 1998) 

VERT - The Köln Konzert (Sonig, 2000) 

VICTORIA WILLIAMS - Loose (Mammoth, 1994) 

VIDNA OBMANA - The Spiritual Bonding (Extreme, 1994) 

VINICIUS CANTUÁRIA - Sol na Cara (Gramavision, 1996) 

VINICIUS CANTUÁRIA - Tucumã (Verve, 1999) 

VISNA MAHEDI ENSEMBLE - Unintentional Beauty (Lowlands, 1998) 

VOGËL EUROPAS (DIE) - Short Stories (Z.O.O., 1993) 

WORKSHOP - Meiguiweisheng Xiang (Ladomat 2000, 1997) 

XAAL - En Chemin (Musi, 1991) 

X T C - Apple Venus, Volume 1 (Cooking Vinyl, 1999) 

X T C - Wasp Star (Apple Venus, Volume 2) (Cooking Vinyl, 2000) 

ZECA BALEIRO - Vo Imbolá (MZA, 1999) 

ZECA BALEIRO - Líricas (MZA, 2000) 

ZEENA PARKINS - Ursa’s Door (Victo, 1992) 

ZEENA PARKINS - No Way Back (Atavistic, 1998) 

ZEENA PARKINS - Pan-Acousticon (Tzadik, 1999)



Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Os melhores álbuns que ouvi dos ANOS 70

 "Os melhores álbuns que ouvi dos ANOS 70"


DAVID BOWIE — The Man who Sold the World 

EGG — The Polite Force 

GENTLE GIANT — Gentle Giant 

KEVIN AYERS & THE WHOLE WORLD — Shooting at the Moon 

KRAFTWERK - Kraftwerk 


MAGMA — Magma 

PINK FLOYD — Atom Heart Mother 


VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR — H to He, Who am the Only one 

Amon Düül II — Yeti 

Blodwin Pig — Getting to This 

Can — Soundtracks 

Caravan — If I Could do it all over again I’d do it all over you 

Cressida — Cressida 

Curved Air — Air Condittioning 

East of Eden — Snafu 

Emerson, Lake & Palmer — Emerson, Lake & Palmer 

Fairfield Parlour — From Home to Home 

Fairport Convention — Full House 

Frank Zappa - Chunga’s Revenge 

Genesis — Trespass 

Gracious — Gracious 

John & Beverley Martyn — Stormbringer 

King Crimson — In the Wake of Poseidon 

Kinks (The) — Lola versus Powerman and the Moneygoround 

Magna Carta — Seasons 

Neil Young — After the Gold Rush 

Nick Drake — Bryter Layter 

Nucleus — Elastic Rock 

Spirit - The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus 

Stooges — Fun House 

T.2 — It'll all Work out in Boomland 

Traffic — John Barleycorn must Die 


CAN - Tago Mago 

CARAVAN — In the Land of Grey and Pink 

FAUST — Faust 

GENESIS — Nursery Cryme 

GENTLE GIANT — Acquiring the Taste 

MAGMA — 1001º Centigrades 

NEU! — Neu! 

SECOND HAND — Death May be your Santa Claus 

TERRY RILEY — A Rainbow in Curved Air 


Amazing Blondel — Fantasia Lindum 

Amon Düül II — Dance of the Lemmings 

Beggars Opera — Waters of Change 

Ben - Ben 

Burning Red Ivanhoe — W. W. W. 

Comus — First Utterance 

Curved Air — Second Album 

Daevid Allen — Banana Moon 

Dashiell Hedayat — Obsolete 

David Bowie — Hunky Dory 

Eilliff — Eilliff 

Emerson, Lake & Palmer — Tarkus 

Family — Fearless 

Gila - Free Electric Sound 

Gong — Camembert Electrique 

Guru Guru — Hinten 

Incredible String Band — Liquid Acrobat as Regards the Air 

Jethro Tull — Aqualung 

John Martyn - Bless the Weather 

King Crimson — Islands 

Kraftwerk — Kraftwerk 2 

Led Zeppelin - IV (4 symbols) 

Moving Gelatine Plates — The World of Genius Hans 

Nico — Desertshore 

Nucleus — We'll Talk about it later 

Paul McCartney — Ram 

Peter Hammill — Fool’s Mate 

Pink Floyd — Meddle 

Popol Vuh - Affenstunde 

Robert Wyatt — The End of an Ear 

Roy Harper - Stormcock 

Sandy Denny — The North Star Grassman and the Ravens 

Strawbs — From the Witchwood 


AMON DÜÜL II — Wolf City 

CAN — Ege Bamyasi 

CLUSTER — Cluster II 

CURVED AIR — Phantasmagoria 

DAVID BOWIE — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust... 

FAUST — So Far 

GENTLE GIANT — Three Friends 


MATCHING MOLE — Little Red Record 

ROXY MUSIC — Roxy Music 

Brainstorm - Smile a while 

Caravan — Waterloo Lily 

Dom - Edge of Time 

Frank Zappa — Whaka/Jawaka 

Frank Zappa - The Grand Wazoo 

Genesis — Foxtrot 

Gentle Giant — Octopus 

Gnidrolog — Lady Lake 

Kevin Ayers — Whatevershebringsweesing 

Khan — Space Shanty 

Kingdom Come - Kingdom Come 

Klaus Schulze — Irrlicht 

Lou Reed — Transformer 

Matching Mole — Matching Mole 

Pekka Pohjola — Pihksilmä Kaarnakorva 

Stackridge — (Have no Fear) I only need your Friendliness 

Stomu Yamashta — Floating Music 

Strawbs - Grave New World 

Tangerine Dream — Zeit 

Yes — Close to the Edge 


CAN — Future Days 

FAUST — The Faust Tapes 

GONG — Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 2: Angel’s Egg 

HATFIELD AND THE NORTH — Hatfield and the North 

HENRY COW — The Henry Cow Legend 

KING CRIMSON — Larks’ Tongues in Aspic 

KRAFTWERK — Ralf and Florian 

LOU REED — Berlin 

PETER HAMMILL — Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night 

ROXY MUSIC — For Your Pleasure 

Agitation Free — 2nd 

Area — Arbeit Macht Frei 

Brian Eno — Here Come the Warm Jets 

CMU — Space Cabaret 

Cornucopia — Full Horn 

David Bowie — Alladin Sane 

Dzyan - Time Machine 

Faust — Faust IV 

Fripp & Eno — (No Pussyfootin’) 

Genesis — Selling England by the Pound 

Gentle Giant — In a Glass House 

Gong — Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 1: The Flying Teapot 

G. Evans, N. Potter, D. Jackson, H. Banton — The Long Hello 

John Martyn — Solid Air 

John Martyn - Inside out 

Kingdom Come - Journey 

Klaus Schulze — Cyborg 

Lard Free - Lard Free 

Magma — Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh 

Neu! — Neu!2 

Roxy Music — Stranded 

Sandy Denny — Like an Old Fashioned Waltz 

Soft Machine — Seven 

Wigwam - Being 

Yes — Tales from Topographic Oceans 


CAN — Soon Over Babaluma 

CLUSTER — Zuckerzeit 

GENESIS — The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 

GONG — You 

KRAFTWERK — Autobahn 

MAGMA— Kohntarkosz 


RICHARD & LINDA THOMPSON - I Want to See the Bright Lights tonight 

ROBERT WYATT — Rock Bottom 


Ange — Au-delà du Délire 

Area — Caution Radiation Area 

Arne Nordheim - Electric 

Arti & Mestieri — Tilt 

Brian Eno — Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) 

Manuel Göttsching — Inventions for Electric Guitar 

Carla Bley — Tropic Apettites 

David Bowie — Diamond Dogs 

Gryphon — Midnight Mushrumps 

Gryphon — Red Queen to Gryphon Three 

Harmonia — Musik von Harmonia 

Henry Cow — Unrest 

Jethro Tull — War Child 

John Cale — Fear 

Kevin Ayers — The Confessions of Dr. Dream 

King Crimson — Red 

Lady June - Linguistic Leprosy 

Mothers of Invention — Overnite Sensation 

Nico — The End 

Pehka Pohjola — Harakka Biailopokka 

Peter Hammill — The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage 

Premiata Forneria Marconi — L'Isola di Niente 

Roxy Music — Country Life 

Roy Harper - Valentine 

Sand - Golem 

Slapp Happy - Slapp Happy 

Stackridge - The Man in the Bowler Hat 

Tasavallan Presidentti - Milky Way Moses 

Yes — Relayer 


BRIAN ENO — Another Green World 

CHIEFTAINS — The Chieftains 5 

GILGAMESH — Gilgamesh 


HENRY COW — In Praise of Learning 


MAGMA — Udu Wudu 

SLAPP HAPPY HENRY COW — Desperate Straights 



Amon Düül II — Vive la Trance 

Arti & Mestieri — Giro di Valzer per Domani 

Brian Eno — Discreet Music 

Can — Landed 

Clearlight — Clearlight Symphony 

David Vorhaus — White Noise 2 — Concerto for Synthesizer 

Fripp & Eno — Evening Star 

Gentle Giant — Free Hand 

Gong — Shamal 

Gryphon — Raindance 

Hatfield and the North — The Rotter’s Club 

Henry Cow Slapp Happy — In Praise of Learning 

John Cale - Slow Dazzle 

Joni Mitchell — The Hissing of Summer Lawns 

Mike Gibbs - The only Chrome-Waterfall Orchestra 

Mike Oldfield — Ommadawn 

Neu! — Neu! 75 

Ned Lagin — Seastones 

Peter Hammill — Nadir’s Big Chance 

Phil Manzanera — Diamond Head 

Robert Calvert — Lucky Leif and the Long Ships 

Robert Wyatt — Ruth is Stranger than Richard 

Soft Machine — Bundles 

Steve Hackett — Voyage of the Acolyte 

Zao - Shekina 


CAN — Unlimited Edition 

CLUSTER — Sowiesoso 

LA DÜSSELDORF — La Düsseldorf 

HELDON- Un Rêve sans Conséquence Spéciale 

MUFFINS — Chronometers 

NEIL ARDLEY — Kaleidoscope of Rainbows 

PENGUIN CAFE ORCHESTRA — Music from the Penguin Cafe 

PICCHIO DAL POZZO — Picchio Dal Pozzo 

RESIDENTS — The Third Reich 'n' Roll 


Celeste - Principe di un Giorno 

Frank Zappa - Zoot Allures 

Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick — Snorungarnas Symfoni 

Jon Anderson — Olias of Sunhillow 

Magma - Attahk 

Soft Machine — Softs 

Tomita — Firebird 

Tom Waits— Small Change 

Van Der Graaf Generator — World Record 

Zao - Kawana 


ASHRA — New Age of Earth 

BRIAN ENO — Before and After Science 


IGGY POP — The Idiot 

KRAFTWERK — Trans Europe Express 

MARC HOLLANDER — Onze Danses pour Combattre la Migraine 


PHIL MANZANERA/801 — Listen Now 

SUICIDE — Suicide 

ZNR — Barricade 3 

Carpe Diem — Cueille le Jour 

Cluster & Eno — Cluster & Eno 

Conventum — A L'Afflut d'un Complot 

David Bowie — Heroes 

Etron Fou Leloublan — Batelages 

Jethro Tull — Songs from the Wood 

John Greaves & Peter Blegvad — Kew. Rhone 

Klaus Schulze — Mirage 

Michal Rother — Flammende Herzen 

Peter Gabriel — Peter Gabriel 

Richard Pinhas — Rhizosphère 

Roy Harper - Bullinamingvase 

Spirit — Future Games 

Terje Rypdal — After the Rain 

Talking Heads — ‘77 

Urban Sax — Urban Sax 

Van Der Graaf — The Quiet Zone/ the Pleasure Dome 

ZNR — Traité de Mecanique Populaire 


ART BEARS — Hopes and Fears 

BRIAN ENO — Music for Films 

DEVO — Q: Are We not Men? A: We Are Devo! 

ENO, MOEBIUS & ROEDELIUS — After the Heat 

NATIONAL HEALTH — Of Queues and Cures 

PERE UBU — The Modern Dancing 

PETER HAMMILL — The Future Now 

RESIDENTS — Not Available 

STEVE REICH — Music for 18 Musicians 

TALKING HEADS — More Songs about Buildings and Food 

Brian Eno — Music for Airports 

Daevid Allen — N'Existe pas 

Gregory Allan Fitzpatrick — Bildcircus 

Ildefonso Aguilar — Erosión 

Jon Hassell — Vernal Equinox 

Klaus Schulze — X 

Kraftwerk — The Man Machine 

Pere Ubu — Dub Housing 

Philip Glass — Einstein on the Beach 

Ry Cooder — Jazz 

Sammla Mammas Manna — Schlagerns Mystik 

Terje Rypdal — Waves 

This Heat — This Heat 


AKSAK MABOUL — Un Peu de l’Ame des Bandits 

ANTHONY MOORE — Flying doesn’t Help 

ART BEARS — The World as it is Today 

CARLA BLEY — Musique Mecanique 

CONVENTUM — Le Bureau Central des Utopies 

HENRY COW — Western Culture 


PERE UBU — New Picnic Time 


TALKING HEADS — Fear of Music 

Art Zoyd — Musique pour l’ Odyssee 

Captain Beefheart — Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) 

Conrad Schnitzler — Blue Glow 

David Bowie — Lodger 

Devo — Duty now for the Future 

Human League — Reproduction 

John Surman — Upon Reflection 

Jon Hassell — Earthquake Island 

Joni Mitchell — Mingus 

L Voag - The Way out 

New Yorg Gong — About Time 

Peter Hammill — PH7 

Pink Floyd — The Wall 

Residents — Eskimo 

Robert Fripp — Exposure 

Roxy Music — Manifesto 

Snakefinger — Chewing Hides the Sound 



Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Os melhores álbuns que ouvi dos ANOS 60

"Os melhores álbuns que ouvi dos ANOS 60"


BEACH BOYS (THE) - Surfer Girl 


BEACH BOYS (THE) - Shut down, vol. 2 

BEATLES (THE) - A Hard Day’s Night 

MANFRED MANN - The Five Faces of Manfred Mann 

STAN GETZ & JOÃO GILBERTO - Stan Getz/João Gilberto 


BEATLES (THE) - Help! 

BEATLES (THE) - Rubber Soul 

BYRDS (THE) – Mr. Tambourine Man 

BYRDS (THE) – Turn! Turn! Turn! 

FRANK ZAPPA - Freak Out 


BEATLES (THE) - Revolver 

BYRDS (THE) - Fifth Dimension 

JOHN MAYALL -John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers 

KINKS (THE) - Face to Face 

MONKS – Black Monk Time 


SIMON & GARFUNKEL - Sounds of Silence 

SIMON & GARFUNKEL - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 


BEACH BOYS (THE) - Pet Sounds 

BEACH BOYS (THE) - Smiley Smile 

BEATLES (THE) - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 

BEE GEES – First 

BYRDS (THE) - Younger than Yesterday 

CREAM – Disraeli Gears 

DAVID BOWIE – David Bowie 

DONOVAN - Sunshine Superman 

DOORS (THE) – The Doors 

DOORS (THE) – Strange Days 

FRANK ZAPPA - Absolutely Free 

FRANK ZAPPA - We're only in it for the Money 

HOLLIES (THE) - Evolution 

HOLLIES (THE) - Butterfly 

INCREDIBLE STRING BAND (THE) - 5000 Spirits or the Cayers of the Onion 

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - After Bathing at Baxter's 

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - Surrealistic Pillow 

JIMI HENDRIX - Are you Experienced? 

JIMI HENDRIX - Axis: Bold as Love 

JOHN MAYALL - A Hard Road 

JOHN MAYALL - Crusade 

KINKS (THE) - Something else 

LAURA NYRO - Eli and the Thirteenth Confession 

LOVE – Da Capo 

LOVE – Forever Changes 

MOODY BLUES (THE) - Days of Future Passed 

NIRVANA – The Story of Simon Simopath 

PINK FLOYD - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 

TIM BUCKLEY – Goodbye and Hello 

VELVET UNDERGROUND (THE) – The Velvet Underground & Nico 

ZOMBIES (THE) - Odessey & Oracle 

BEATLES (THE) - Magical Mystery Tour 


CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN (THE) - The Crazy World of Arthur Brown 

CREAM – Fresh Cream 

ELMER GANTRY’S VELVET OPERA - Elmer Gantry’s Velvet Opera 

JOHN MAYALL - The Blues alone 

KALEIDOSCOPE – Tangerine Dream 


MONKEES (THE) - Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd. 

MYSTIC ASTROLOGIC CRYSTAL BAND (THE) – The Mystic Astrologic Crystal Band 

PROCOL HARUM – Procol Harum 

RON GEESIN - As he Stands 

SMALL FACES (THE) – From the Beginning 

STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK (THE) - Incense and Peppermints 

STRAWBS – All our own Work 

TYRANNOSAURUS REX - My People were Fair and had Sky in their Hair…but now they are Content to 

Wear Stars on their Brows 

YARDBIRDS – Little Games 


BEACH BOYS (THE) – Wild Honey 

BEACH BOYS (THE) - Friends 

BEATLES (THE) - The Beatles 

BEE GEES – Horizontal 

BYRDS (THE) - The Notorious Byrd Brothers 

COLLECTORS (THE) - Grass and Wild Strawberries 

CREAM – Wheels of Fire 

DONOVAN - A Gift from a Flower to a Garden 

ERIC BURDON & THE ANIMALS – The Twain Shall Meet 

FRANK ZAPPA - Lumpy Gravy 

INCREDIBLE STRING BAND (THE) - The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter 

JEFFERSON AIRPLANE - Crown of Creation 

JETHRO TULL – This was 

JOHN MAYALL - Bare Wires 

JOHN MAYALL - Blues from Laurel Canyon 

KINKS (THE) - The Kinks are Village Green Preservation Society 


MOODY BLUES (THE) - In Search of the Lost Chord 

PINK FLOYD – A saucerful of Secrets 


SMALL FACES (THE) - Ogden's Nut gone Flake 

SOFT MACHINE (THE) – The Soft Machine 

TRAFFIC – Mr. Fantasy 

VAN DYKE PARKS – Song Cycle 

DOORS (THE) – Waiting for the Sun 

FRANK ZAPPA - Cruising with Ruben and the Jets 

GENESIS – From Genesis to Revelation 

GEORGE HARRISON - Wonderwall Music 




NICE (THE) – Ars Longa Vita Brevis 


SPOOKY TOOTH - It's all about 

STATUS QUO - Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo 

TYRANNOSAURUS REX - Prophets, Seers & Sages, The Angels of the Ages 


AMON DÜÜL II – Phallus Dei 

BEATLES (THE) - Abbey Road 

BLODWIN PIG - Ahead Rings out 

CAN – Monster Movie 


CARAVAN - Caravan 

COLOSSEUM - Those who are about to Die Salute you 

COLOSSEUM - Valentyne Suite 

CROSBY, STILLS & NASH - Crosby, Stills & Nash 

DAVID BOWIE – Space Oddity 

DOORS (THE) – The Soft Parade 

EAST OF EDEN - Mercator Projected 

FRANK ZAPPA - Uncle Meat 

FRANK ZAPPA - Burnt Weeny Sandwich 


JIMI HENDRIX - Electric Ladyland 

KING CRIMSON - In the Court of the Crimson King 

KINKS (THE) - Arthur or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire 

LED ZEPPELIN - Led Zeppelin 

NICO - The Marble Index 

PINK FLOYD - Ummagumma 

SOFT MACHINE (THE) – Volume Two 

SPIRIT - The Family that Plays together 

VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - The Aerosol Grey Machine 

WHITE NOISE- An Electric Storm 


ERIC BURDON & THE ANIMALS - Every one of us 

GONG - Magick Brother, Mystic Sister 



JETHRO TULL - Stand up 


KALEIDOSCOPE – Faintly Blowing 

LED ZEPPELIN - Led Zeppelin II 

MAGNA CARTA - Magna Carta 

MOODY BLUES (THE) - On the Threshold of a Dream 

MOODY BLUES (THE) - To our Children's Children's Children 


RENAISSANCE - Renaissance 


TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS - Cellophane Symphony 


WIGWAM - Hard ‘n’ Horny 

NOTA: faltarão, obviamente, a esta lista, alguns álbuns importantes mas, como refiro no início, cingi-me aos que conheço bem e fazem parte da minha colecção. 

Aceitam-se sugestões. 



Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - PsychPopRock


Apenas um nome por artista, com uma ou outra inclusão mais "dissidente"...

Apenas discos que fazem parte da minha colecção. O que não conheço bem foi excluído. Para já...

ALEXANDER SPENCE - Oar (Sundazed, 1969)
AMON DÜÜL II - Phallus Dei (Repertoire, 1969)
ARZACHEL - Arzachel (Akarma, 1969)
BACHDENKEL - Lemmings (SPM, 1970)
BEE GEES - First (RSO, 1967)
BLONDE ON BLONDE - Contrasts (Sanctuary, 1969)
BRAINTICKET - Cottonwoodhill (Hallelujah, 1970)
BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD - Again (Atco, 1967)
CLARK HUTCHINSON - A=MH2 (Repertoire, 1969)
CLEARLIGHT - Clearlight Symphony (Spalax, 1975)
COLLECTORS (THE) - Grass and Wild Strawberries (Linea, 1968)
COMUS - First Utterance (BGO, 1971)
COSMIC JOKERS (THE) - The Cosmic Jokers (Spalax, 1974)
COUNTRY JOE & THE FISH - Electric Music for the Mind and Body (Vanguard, 1967)
CREAM - Disraeli Gears (Polydor, 1967)
CREATION (THE) - We are Paintermen (Repertoire, 1967)
DAEVID ALLEN - Banana Moon (Spalax, 1971)
DAVID BOWIE - David Bowie (Deram, 1967)
DEEP PURPLE - The Book of Taliesyn (EMI, 1969)
DONOVAN - A Gift from a Flower to a Garden (BGO, 1968)
EAST OF EDEN - Mercator Projected (Deram, 1969)
EIRE APPARENT - Sunrise (Sequel, 1969)
ELECTRIC PRUNES (THE) - Long Day’s Flight (col.) (Edsel, 1967, 1986)
ELMER GANTRY’S VELVET OPERA - Elmer Gantry’s Velvet Opera (Repertoire, 1967)
ERIC BURDON & THE ANIMALS - The Twain shall Meet (Polydor, 1968)
EYES OF BLUE - In Fields of Ardath (Black Rose, 1969)
FAMILY - Family Entertainment (See for Miles, 1969)
FOREST - Forest (BGO, 1969)
FRANK ZAPPA - We're only in it for the Money (Ryko, 1967)
GEORGE HARRISON - Wonderwall Music (Apple, 1968)
GILES, GILES & FRIPP - The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles & Fripp (Deram, 1968)
GONG - Magick Brother, Mystic Sister (Spalax, 1969)
GRATEFUL DEAD (THE) - Anthem of the Sun (Warner Bros. 1968)
GROUP 1850 - Agemo’s Trip to Mother Earth (Rotation, 1968)
GUN - The Gun (Repertoire, 1968)
HIGH TIDE - Sea Shanties (Repertoire, 1969)
HOLLIES (THE) - Evolution (EMI, 1967)
INCREDIBLE STRING BAND (THE) - The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter (Elektra, 1968)
JODY GRIND - One Step on (Akarma, 1969)
JULIAN’S TREATMENT - A Time Before this (Akarma, 1972)
KAK - Kak (Epic, 1969)
KALEIDOSCOPE - Dive into Yesterday (col.) (Fontana, 1967/1968/1969)
LEMON PIPERS (THE) - Best of the Lemon Pipers (col.) (Camden, 1967/1968)
LOVIN’ SPOONFUL - Daydream (One Way, 1966)
MILLENIUM (THE) - Begin (Rev-Ola, 1968)
MOODY BLUES (THE) - In Search of the Lost Chord (Deram, 1968)
MOTHERLIGHT - Bobak, Jons, Malone (Edsel, 1970)
MOVE (THE) - The Move (Repertoire, 1968)
MUSIC MACHINE (THE) - Turn on (Repertoire, 1966)
MUTANTES - A Divina Comédia ou Ando Meio Desligado (Polydor, 1970)
MYSTIC ASTROLOGIC CRYSTAL BAND (THE) - Flowers Never Cry (Demon, 1967/1968)
NICE (THE) - Ars Longa Vita Brevis (Essential, 1968)
NIRVANA - The Story of Simon Simopath (Edsel, 1967)
OCTOPUS - Octopus (ESP, 1969)
PEARLS BEFORE SWINE - One Nation Underground (ESP, 1967)
PRETTY THINGS - S. F. Sorrow (Snapper Music, 1968)
PROCOL HARUM - Shine on Brightly (Repertoire, 1968)
RED KRAYOLA (THE) - God Bless the Red Krayola and all who Sail with it (Spalax, 1968)
ROLLING STONES (THE) - Their Satanic Majesties Request (London, 1967)
RON GEESIN - A Raise of Eyebrows (See for Miles, 1967)
SEEDS (THE) - A Web of Sound (Line, 1967)
SHADOWS OF KNIGHT (THE) - Back Door Men (Sundazed, 1966)
SMALL FACES (THE) - Ogden's Nut gone Flake (EMI Plus, 1968)
SOFT MACHINE (THE) - The Soft Machine (One Way, 1968)
SPIRIT - Spirit (Epic Legacy, 1968)
STATUS QUO - Picturesque Matchstickable Messages from the Status Quo (Essential, 1968)
STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK (THE) - Incense and Peppermints (Big Beat, 1967)
TEA & SYMPHONY - An Asylum for the Musically Insane (Si-Wan, 1969)
13th FLOOR ELEVATORS (THE) - The Psychedelic Sounds of 13th Floor Elev. (Spalax, 1966) TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS - Cellophane Symphony (Sequel, 1969)
TRAFFIC - Mr. Fantasy (Island, 1968)
TREES - The Garden of Jane Delawney (Columbia, 1970)
TYRANNOSAURUS REX - Prophets, Seers & Sages, The Angels of the Ages (A&M, 1968)
ULTIMATE SPINACH - Behold & See (Akarma, 1968)
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (THE) - The United States of America (Edsel, 1968)
VAN DYKE PARKS - Song Cycle (Rykodisc, 1968)
YARDBIRDS - Little Games (EMI, 1967)
YOUNGBLOODS (THE) - Euphoria, 1965-1969 (col.) (Raven, 1965 – 1969)
ZOMBIES (THE) - Odessey & Oracle (Rhino, 1968)


Livros sobre música que vale a pena ler - Cromo #97: Man Is The Animal: A Coil Zine Issue Three

 Este não é um livro mas é um fanzine... muito parecido com um livro.

autor: Cormac Pentecost (edição) - Vários

título: Man Is The Animal: A Coil Zine - Issue Three

editora: Temporal Boundary Press
nº de páginas: 72
isbn: N/A

data: 2022

formato: A5


Man Is The Animal – Preface - Introduction – 4

Singularities Of Art And Nature, by John Coulthart – 6

“There’s a Man Laying Down In A Grave Somewhere”, by Joseph Breitman – 13

“Shadows Only Exist When The Spotlight Is On, An Interview with Mead McLean – 16

“In Perpetual Motion”: The Coil Manifesto As Theory In Practice, by Nick Soulsby – 26

The Manifesto – 41

Coil’s Fano Concert, by Kiefer Gorena – 43

Peter Christopherson Is Alive And Well And Living In Parentheses! – by Nick Hudson – 63


Introduction / Preface

Man Is The Animal

Cormac Pentecost

The posthumous life of Coil continues apace as reissues of the back catalogue keep appearing. This is to be welcomed because it seems incredible that major works by such an important group can remain unavailable on all formats. The general default position with regards to music access now is that everything is available instantly. It seems very strange to search on Amazon or streaming services and find that the only way to hear some of Coil’s classic works is through unofficial downloads. The more widely that these works can be made available the better. Having said that, it is necessary to acknowledge that Coil’s legacy is a particularly mess and contested affair. Man is The Animal takes no position on which releases are more authentic or official than others. Indeed, as I’m old enough to remember being grateful for a third generation tape, or a scratched vinyl copy. I’m delighted by any decent quality reissue of Coil’s material.

In a strange way, the problem with accessing Coil’s music might have an upside because it conveys a sense of scarcity and specialness to their work which is difficult to find elsewhere. If there is a magickal intent to their work (and there definitely is) this scarcity helps to conjure a totemic quality to the back catalogue. But it is important that we don’t get too stuck on the objects themselves. In issue one of Man is the Animal, Sean Oscar discussed his own ambivalent feelings regarding the hauntological aspects of Coil’s back catalogue and the almost sacred veneration of their physical releases: ‘I don’t think I’m even interested in owning an “authentic Coil record” anymore. It would be like trying to grasp and hold onto someone else’s memories, like obsessing over the material of the threads while remaining deaf to the rising harmony of their vibrations.’

In the present issue, John Coulthard expresses a similar attitude with regards to the ideas behind Coil’s work: ‘In interviews the discussion was often less concerned with the songs than the ideas or philosophies or experiences that inform them.’ We are fortunate that later this year we will be able to dive in to many of these interviews due to the work of Nick Soulsby whose Everything Keeps Dissolving: Conversations with Coil will be published by Strange Attractor Press. Nick has his second article for Man is the Animal in this issue., examining the evolving history of the Coil manifesto through its many iterations. A new version of the manifesto is presented herein based on Nick’s research.

Elsewhere, there is poetry from Joseph Breitman; Kiefer Gorena from the Coil Live Archive looks at the band’s 2002 performance in Fano; whilst Nick Hudson takes a very different live show as the starting point for his meditation on Coil’s unique sound world.

And so, with this new issue, we again seek to keep the harmony of their vibrations rising.


Livros sobre música que vale a pena ler - Cromo #96: Cliché - Música

 autor: José António Moura

título: Cliché - Música
editora: Holuzam
nº de páginas: 60

isbn: N/A
data: 2022
formato: A4



Vera Futscher Pereira (1959-2019), João Pinto Nogueira (n. 1949), Maria Helena Redondo (n. 1951) e Rui Pavão (n. 1950) estão registados como sócios na empresa Cliché. Numa cave, nº 7 da Rua dos Caetanos, Bairro Alto, abriu em 1980 «uma loja de roupas, bijuterias, discos e postais modernos.» O proprietário do prédio era o pai de Vera e a renda, naturalmente, zero; talvez a única maneira de viabilizar um negócio independente e alternativo. A loja existiu durante cerca de 4 anos e, enquanto editora de discos, deixou marca curta mas importante no panorama nacional. A oferta mais visível para quem entrava no espaço era, no entanto, a roupa concebida por Maria Helena Redondo.

Até por amizade, a cronologia simples e próxima da presença da moda de autor nas ruas de Lisboa assinala como precedentes as duas lojas abertas por Manuela Gonçalves (Carmim em 1976, Loja Branca em 79). Apesar das diferenças estruturais entre os projectos, também a ideia principal da Cliché passava por ajudar a vestir de forma diferente e mais individual uma Lisboa ainda muito conservadora. João Pinto Nogueira recorda uma visita, pelo Natal de 1974, quando vivia em Londres: «Parecia que estava na Jugoslávia. Mulheres todas vestidas de preto, cabeça tapada…». Comentou isso com o irmão num passeio pela Baixa, depois de estacionarem o carro junto ao miradouro de S. Pedro de Alcântara. A sua contribuição para a mudança: trouxe roupas da loja de uma amiga portuguesa em King’s Road com a indicação dela para as vender a Manuel Reis, estabelecido no Bairro Alto desde Março de 74 com a loja 1900-1930.


Composições gráficas e layout:

Márcio Matos e José António Moura

Texto e paginação:

José António Moura

Impressão offset em papel Favini Tree Free Natural de 120 gr (miolo) e 250 gr (capa):

Julho de 2022, Imprensa Municipal

1ª Edição de 200 exemplares:

Agosto de 2022, Holuzam






Mais Uma "Lista do FM" - Alguns bons álbuns dos anos 70


Fernando Magalhães no “Fórum Sons” – Intervenção #141 – “Alguns bons álbuns dos anos 70__ (FM)”

Fernando Magalhães
18.11.2002 180635
Er…perdoem-me se a lista estiver incompleta.

AGITATION FREE – 2nd (1973)
AKSAK MABOUL – Un Peu de l’Ame des Bandits (1979)
AMON DUUL II – Yeti (1970)
AMON DUUL II – Wolf City (1972)
ANNETTE PEACOCK – X-Dreams (1978)
ANTHONY MOORE – Flying doesn’t Help (1979)
ARCHIE SHEPP – Things have got to Change (1971)
AREA – Arbeit Macht Frei (1973)
AREA – Caution Radiation Area (1974)
ART BEARS – Hopes and Fears (1978)
ARTI & MESTIERI- Tilt (1974)
ASHRA – New Age of Earth (1976)
BEACH BOYS (THE) – Sunflower (1970)
BEACH BOYS (THE) – Surf’s up (1971)
BRIAN ENO – Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy) (1974)
BRIAN ENO – Another Green World (1975)
BRIAN ENO – Before and After Science (1977)
CAN – Tago Mago (1971)
CAN – Ege Bamyasi (1972)
CAN – Future Days (1973)
CAN – Soon over Babaluma (1974)
CAN – Unlimited Edition (1976)
CAPTAIN BEEFHEART & HIS MAGIC BAND – Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) (1979)
CARAVAN – If I Could do it all over Again, I’d do it all over you (1970)
CARAVAN – In the Land of Grey and Pink (1971)
CARLA BLEY – Tropic Appetites (1974)
CARLA BLEY – Musique Mecanique (1979)
CELESTE – Principe di un Giorno (1976)
CHRIS McGREGORíS BROTHERHOOD OF BREATH – Chris McGregorís Brotherhood of Breath (1971)
CLUSTER – Cluster II (1972)
CLUSTER – Zuckerzeit (1974)
CLUSTER & ENO – Cluster & Eno (1977)
CODE III – Planet of Man (1974)
CURVED AIR – Phantasmagoria (1972)
DAVE HOLLAND – Conference of the Birds (1973)
DAVID BOWIE – The Man who Sold the World (1970)
DAVID BOWIE – Hunky Dory (1971)
DAVID BOWIE – The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders…(1972)
DAVID BOWIE – Diamond Dogs (1974)
DAVID BOWIE – Low (1977)
DAVID BOWIE – Heroes (1977)
DEUTER – D (1971)
DEVO – Q: Are we not Men? A: We are Devo! (1978)
DEVO – Duty now for the Future (1979)
DEWEY REDMAN – The Ear of the Behearer (1973)
DUKE ELLINGTON – The Afro-Eurasian Eclipse (1975)
DZYAN – Electric Silence (1974)
EAST OF EDEN – Snafu (1970)
EGG – The Polite Force (1970)
FAUST – Faust (1971)
FAUST – So Far (1972) – Jul.76, Out.92 – 40.42
FAUST – The Faust Tapes (1973)
FAUST – Faust IV (1973)
FRANK ZAPPA – Waka/Jawaka (1972)
FRANK ZAPPA – The Grand Wazoo (1972)
FRIPP & ENO – Evening Star (1975)
GENESIS – Nursery Cryme (1971)
GENESIS- Foxtrot (Toshiba-EMI, 1972)
GENESIS – Selling England by the Pound (1973)
GENESIS – The Lamb Lies down on Broadway 2xCD (1974)
GENTLE GIANT – Gentle Giant (1970)
GENTLE GIANT – Acquiring the Taste (1971)
GENTLE GIANT – Three Friends (1972)
GENTLE GIANT – Octopus (1972)
GENTLE GIANT – In a Glass House (1973)
GILGAMESH – Gilgamesh (1975)
GONG – Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 1: The Flying Teapot (1973)
GONG – Radio Gnome Invisible, Part 2: Angel’s Egg (1973)
GONG – You (Virgin 1974)
GRYPHON – Midnight Mushrumps (1974)
GRYPHON – Red Queen to Gryphon Three (1974)
GURU GURU – Kanguru (1972)
HARMONIA – Musik von Harmonia (1974)
HARMONIA – DeLuxe (1975)
HATFIELD AND THE NORTH – Hatfield and the North (1973)
HATFIELD AND THE NORTH – The Rotter’s Club (1974)
HELDON – It’s Always Rock ‘n’ Roll, Volume 1 (1975)
HELDON- Un Rêve sans Conséquence Spéciale (1976)
HENRY COW – The Henry Cow Leg End (1973)
HENRY COW SLAPP HAPPY – In Praise of Learning (1975)
HENRY COW – Western Culture (1979)
HERBIE HANCOCK – Sextant (1973)
HERBIE HANCOCK – Head Hunters (1973)
HOLGER CZUKAY – Movies (1979)
HOWARD RILEY – The Day will Come (1970)
HUGH HOPPER – 1984 (1972)
HUMAN LEAGUE (THE) – Reproduction (1979)
INCREDIBLE STRING BAND – Be Glad for the Song Has no Ending (1970)
INCREDIBLE STRING BAND- Liquid Acrobat as Regards the Air (1971)
JETHRO TULL – Aqualung (1971)
JETHRO TULL – Thick as a Brick (1972)
JETHRO TULL – A Passion Play (1973)
JOHN & BEVERLEY MARTYN – Stormbringer (1970)
JOHN CALE – Fear (1974)
JOHN MARTYN – Inside out (1973)
JOHN SURMAN – Tales of the Algonquin (1971)
JOHN SURMAN – Westering Home (1972)
JOHN TAYLOR – Pause, and Think Again (1971)
JONI MITCHELL – The Hissing of Summer Lawns (1975)
JONI MITCHELL – Mingus (1979)
KEITH JARRETT – Expectations 2xCD (1972)
KEVIN AYERS – Shooting at the Moon (1971)
KEVIN AYERS – The Confessions of Dr. Dream (1974)
KING CRIMSON – In the Wake of Poseidon (1970)
KING CRIMSON – Lizard (1970)
KING CRIMSON – Larks’ Tongues in Aspic (1973)
KING CRIMSON – Red (1974)
KINKS (THE) – The Kinks, Pt 1:Lola vs. Powerman and the Moneygoround (1970)
KLAUS SCHULZE – Irrlicht (1972)
KLAUS SCHULZE – Timewind (1975)
KLAUS SCHULZE – Mirage (1977)
KRAAN – Wintrup (1973)
KRAFTWERK – Kraftwerk (1970)
KRAFTWERK – Ralf & Florian (1973)
KRAFTWERK – Autobahn (1974)
KRAFTWERK – Trans Europe Express (1977)
KRAFTWERK – The Man Machine (1978)
LARD FREE – Lard Free (1972)
LOU REED – Transformer (1972)
LOU REED – Berlin (1973)
MAGMA – Magma 2xCD (1970)
MAGMA – 1001º Centigrades (1971)
MAGMA – Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh (1973)
MAGMA – Kohntarkosz (1974)
MAGMA – Udu Wudu (1976)
MAGNA CARTA – Seasons (1970)
MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA – The Inner Mounting Flame (1972)
MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA – Birds of Fire (1973)
MATCHING MOLE – Matching Mole (1972)
MATCHING MOLE – Matching Mole’s Little Red Record (1972)
MAX ROACH – M’Boom (1979)
McCOY TYNER – Extensions (1970)
McCOY TYNER – Sahara (1972)
McCOY TYNER – Atlantis (1975)
MICHAEL GIBBS – Michael Gibbs (1970)
MICHAEL GIBBS – The only Chrome-Waterfall Orchestra (1975)
MICHAEL ROTHER – Flammende Herzen (1977)
MILES DAVIS – Bitches Brew (1970)
MOVING GELATINE PLATES – The World of Genius Hans (1971)
MUFFINS (THE) – Chronometers (1976)
MUTANTES – A Divina Comédia ou Ando Meio Desligado (1970)
NATIONAL HEALTH – Of Queues and Cures (1978)
NEIL ARDLEY – Kaleidoscope of Rainbows (1976)
NEIL YOUNG – After the Gold Rush (1970)
NEU! – Neu! (1972)
NEU! – Neu! 2 (1973)
NEU! – Neu!’75 (1975)
NICK DRAKE – Five Leaves Left (1970)
NICK DRAKE – Bryter Layter (1970)
NICO – Desertshore (1971)
NICO – The End… (1974)
NUCLEUS – Elastic Rock (1970)
NUCLEUS – We’ll Talk About it Later (1971)
PEKKA POHJOLA – Pihksilmi Kaarnakorva (1972)
PEKKA POHJOLA – Harakka Biailopokku (1974)
PENGUIN CAFE ORCHESTRA – Music from the Penguin Café (1976)
PERE UBU – The Modern Dance (1978)
PERE UBU – Dub Housing (1978)
PERE UBU – New Picnic Time (1979)
PETER HAMMILL – Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night (1973)
PETER HAMMILL – The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage (1974)
PETER HAMMILL – In Camera (1974)
PETER HAMMILL – Over (1977)
PETER HAMMILL – The Future now (1978)
PHIL MANZANERA – Diamond Head (1975)
PICCHIO DAL POZZO – Picchio Dal Pozzo (1976)
PINK FLOYD – Atom Heart Mother (1970)
PINK FLOYD – Meddle (1971)
POPOL VUH – Affenstunde (1971)
PYROLATOR – Inland (1979)
RAHSAAN ROLAND KIRK – Blacknuss (1971)
RANDY WESTON – Tanjah (1973)
RESIDENTS (THE) – The Third Reich ‘n’ Roll (1976)
RESIDENTS (THE) – Not Available (1978)
RESIDENTS (THE) – Eskimo (1979)
RICHARD PINHAS – Iceland (1979)
RICHARD AND LINDA THOMPSON- I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight (1974)
ROBERT WYATT – The End of an Ear (1971) –
ROBERT WYATT – Rock Bottom (1974)
ROXY MUSIC – Roxy Music (1972)
ROXY MUSIC – For your Pleasure (1973)
ROXY MUSIC – Stranded (1973) – Jan.79, Jan.92, Out.99, Mai.00 – 41.12 R ROXY MUSIC – Siren (1975)
ROY HARPER – Bullinamingvase (1977)
SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA – Klossa Knapitat (1974)
SAMLA MAMMAS MANNA – Schlagerns Mystik 2xCD (Silence, 1978)
SECOND HAND – Death May be your Santa Claus (1971)
SLAPP HAPPY/HENRY COW – Desperate Straights (1975)
SOFT MACHINE (THE) – Third (1970)
SOFT MACHINE (THE)- Fourth (1971)
SOFT MACHINE (THE) – Fifth (1972)
SOFT MACHINE (THE) – Seven (1973)
SPIRIT – Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus (1970)
SPIRIT – Future Games (Great Expectations, 1977)
STACKRIDGE – (Have no Fear, I only Need your) Friendliness (1972)
STAN GETZ – Dynasty 2xCD (1971)
STEVE HILLAGE – Fish Rising (1975)
STEVE REICH – Music for 18 Musicians (1978) –
STOOGES (THE) – Fun House (1970)
SUICIDE – Suicide (1977)
SUPERSISTER – Present from Nancy (1970)
SUPERSISTER – To the Highest Bidder (1971)
T.2 – It’ll all Work out in Boomland (1970)
TALKING HEADS – Fear of Music (1979)
TANGERINE DREAM – Phaedra (1974)
TANGERINE DREAM – Rubycon (1975)
TERJE RYPDAL – After the Rain (1976)
TERRY RILEY – A Rainbow in Curved Air (1971)
TODD RUNDGREN – A Wizard, a True Star (1973)
TOM WAITS – Small Change (1976)
TRAFFIC – John Barleycorn must Die (1970)
URBAN SAX – Urban Sax (1977)
URBAN SAX – Urban Sax 2 (1978)
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR – H to He who am the only one (1970)
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR – Pawn Hearts (1971)
WALLENSTEIN – Blitzkrieg (1972)
WALLENSTEIN – Cosmic Century (1973)
WALTER WEGMULLER – Tarot 2xCD (1973)
WEATHER REPORT – I Sing the Body Electric (1972)
WIGWAM – Fairyport (1971)
WIGWAM – Being (1973)
XHOL CARAVAN – Electrip (1971)
YES – The Yes Album (1971)
YES – Close to the Edge (1972)
YES – Tales from Topographic Oceans 2xCD (1973)
YES – Relayer (1974)
ZAO – Shekina (1975)
ZNR – Barricade 3 (1977)


Fernando Magalhães
22.11.2002 160415

Os GENTLE GIANT, meu caro senhor, são uma das maiores bandas (não só de Peogressivo) dos anos 70 e conheço a sua música desde o início (“Gentle Giant”, de 1970, foi dos primeiros álbuns que comprei)!!! : ) : ) : )

Podia escrever um livro sobre a sua música.

Mas agora lembrei-me: Estamos a falar dos GG da 1ª fase, ou dos GG de “The Mssing Piece” e “Giant for a Day”, caricaturas rock (e hard rock) dos feitos do passado?

É que gosto tanto dos primeiros como lamento as “cedências” e “desistência” dos segundos!

Eis, na minha opinião, o que vale mesmo a pena:

“Gentle Giant” (9/10)
“Acquiring the Taste” (10/10)
“Three Friends” (9,5/10)
“Octopus” (9/10)
“In a Glass House” (9/10)
“The Power and the Glory” (8/10)
“Free Hand” (8/10)
“Interview” (8/10)


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